Jordan Christy, is a music publicist for Warner Bros. and the author of "How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World: The Art of Living with Style, Class, and Grace." True Feminism talks to Jordan Christy about her message.
SD: What inspired you to write “How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World”?
JC: I wanted girls to know that you can be successful, intelligent, and beautiful without sacrificing all your dignity. It’s all about knowing who you are, and being proud and empowered by that knowledge. There’s no reason to shrink back just because you don’t conform to the popular standards in today’s culture.
SD: Why did you choose Audrey Hepburn as your role model?
JC: She’s such an iconic image for women everywhere, all over the world. Her poise, natural beauty, and humble nature have continued to inspire generations of young women, and I think we could use more of that!
SD: According to you girls are either smart or stupid, is there room for anything in between?
JC: I’ve actually met very few “stupid girls” in my life – there are, however, a lot of smart girls that simply make poor choices. It’s never too late though – no matter how many mistakes you’ve made, there is still time to become a classy girl.
SD: You are a music publicist for Warner Bros. How do you practise being a Hepburn in a Hilton industry?
JC: I’ve found that it really doesn’t matter what industry you work in – whether it’s the fashion industry, the food service industry, or the music business – you can and will stand out when you conduct yourself with poise and intelligence. I’ve always simply tried to do each task to the best of my ability and, simultaneously, keep a positive attitude. And, of course, you can never go wrong by avoiding mini-skirts and alcoholic beverages at work functions!
SD: What advice would you offer to those who are afraid to go against the status quo today for fear of being rejected by their peers?
JC: Stand tall and be proud of who you are! You don’t need to feel like a loser for wanting to read books instead of going out partying, or feel like an outsider for not having a boyfriend by the time you’re 28– you can hold your head high and be confident in your choices and your character, even if it doesn’t conform to today’s standards.
I just sent you an email with some comments about this interview.
St. Ursula
This is a "fun" article - I am going to order this book!
I think it is really a positive thing to highlight the fact that there are other options for role models/style icons for young women than Madonna, Brittany Speirs, Paris Hilton Jennifer Aniston, etc., all of whom are EXTREMELY POOR AND DESTRUCTIVE role models in every way.
My own secular "style icons" are Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. I love their clothes and their overall "look," have the identical height and similar build of Diana, and have been told more than once that I resemble "Jackie"!
I would encourage any young woman to find a style icon like Hepburn, Kennedy, or even Michelle Obama-- who have an innate elegance and dignity to their appearance, and are like breaths of fresh air in comparison to the utter garbage propogated by Aniston, Hilton, Megan Fox et al.
St. Ursula
St. Ursula,
Looks like Jordan Christy has a winner. I did read the book. It's great. I couldn't tell from the pic you sent me if you resemble Jackie, but if you do, that's really cool.
The last time someone told me I looked like Jackie I was swanning down the hall at work wearing sunglasses, a black dress, and a dramatic long grey cashmere coat. My colleague Aine shouted at me "You look JUST LIKE JACKIE KENNEDY!" I think it was more of a "gestalt" thing (channeling Jackie) than a true resemblance though, lol. :-)
There is a book out called "A Touch of Grace" which is about Grace Kelly's style. I haven't read it but it looks interesting.
I also want to mention the website "Mrs O" which is devoted to Michelle Obama as a style icon, but has wonderful discussions which are quite wide-ranging on the subject of true style icons.
Yes, Grace Kelly, Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn were classy ladies. I loved the movie "Breakfast at Tiffanies". Thanks for the heads up on Michelle Obama's site. She does have her own style.
I'd like to read this book too! My fashion / style icons are Jacqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. They are the trifecta of all that is possible in the realm of dignity, grace, class and elegance.
Welcome onboard Lisa!
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